Content For

Session 1 – The Final Authority

Session 1 – The Final Authority

First Things First. Establishing a foundation on the written Word of God. Don’t try to skip ahead, this teaching must come FIRST.

Session 2 – Access To The Kingdom

Session 2 – Access To The Kingdom

Accessing the Kingdom Realm of God. What is the difference between being “Saved” and “Accessing The Kingdom”? This teaching breaks it down!

Session 3 – Spirit, Soul and Body

Session 3 – Spirit, Soul and Body

Spirit Soul & Body. This teaching is a foundational piece to identity. You are a 3-Part being. This teaching breaks down the different parts.

Session 5 – The Mystery

Session 5 – The Mystery

The Mystery – This teaching will break down what “The Mystery” is that is talked about throughout Scripture… Cracking The Code.

Session 6 – Reality, Fact and Truth

Session 6 – Reality, Fact and Truth

Reality, Fact and Truth – In this teaching, we break down the difference between our reality… the facts… and the truth. Perception is key

Session 7 – Beyond Human

Session 7 – Beyond Human

Beyond Human – In this teaching, we start to dig deeper into the supernatural side of who you truly are in Christ. Our Union with Him.

Session 9 – New and Better Covenant

Session 9 – New and Better Covenant

New and Better Covenant – Understanding which Covenant we are in… and which Covenant we are NOT in – Breaking down the differences.

Session 10 – Activating Your Faith

Session 10 – Activating Your Faith

Activating Your Faith – “Acknowledging What is In you” Practical Application and some steps you can take to start activating your faith.

Kingdom Foundations | Identity in Christ

Kingdom Foundations | Identity in Christ

“Kingdom Identity” In this FREE class we will lay a solid, biblical, Kingdom-Based foundation, rooted in our Identity in Christ – week by week.


P.O. Box 28 New Baltimore, MI 48047