Content For

Holy Spirit
The Kingdom vs Religion Series

The Kingdom vs Religion Series

In this teaching series we’re going to break down the differences between the Kingdom and Religion. One creates bondage, the other sets free!

Spiritual Warfare Training

Spiritual Warfare Training

Spiritual Warfare Training – Equipping you with the tools, testimonies and revelation that will help you fight and WIN in spiritual battles.

Session 1 – The Final Authority

Session 1 – The Final Authority

First Things First. Establishing a foundation on the written Word of God. Don’t try to skip ahead, this teaching must come FIRST.

Session 2 – Access To The Kingdom

Session 2 – Access To The Kingdom

Accessing the Kingdom Realm of God. What is the difference between being “Saved” and “Accessing The Kingdom”? This teaching breaks it down!

Session 3 – Spirit, Soul and Body

Session 3 – Spirit, Soul and Body

Spirit Soul & Body. This teaching is a foundational piece to identity. You are a 3-Part being. This teaching breaks down the different parts.

Session 5 – The Mystery

Session 5 – The Mystery

The Mystery – This teaching will break down what “The Mystery” is that is talked about throughout Scripture… Cracking The Code.

Session 6 – Reality, Fact and Truth

Session 6 – Reality, Fact and Truth

Reality, Fact and Truth – In this teaching, we break down the difference between our reality… the facts… and the truth. Perception is key

Session 7 – Beyond Human

Session 7 – Beyond Human

Beyond Human – In this teaching, we start to dig deeper into the supernatural side of who you truly are in Christ. Our Union with Him.

Session 9 – New and Better Covenant

Session 9 – New and Better Covenant

New and Better Covenant – Understanding which Covenant we are in… and which Covenant we are NOT in – Breaking down the differences.

Session 10 – Activating Your Faith

Session 10 – Activating Your Faith

Activating Your Faith – “Acknowledging What is In you” Practical Application and some steps you can take to start activating your faith.

Baptism In The Holy Spirit

Baptism In The Holy Spirit

In this teaching, we will be learning about what the Bible says about the “Baptism In The Holy Spirit”. From Genesis to Acts – There’s More!

Kingdom Power and Authority

Kingdom Power and Authority

Kingdom Power and Authority! This teaching will break down topics that help you to advance the Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.

Revelation of the Kingdom

Revelation of the Kingdom

The Revelation of the Kingdom of God! This teaching will break down the topic Jesus spoke most about in the Bible… The Kingdom.

Purpose Potential and Destiny

Purpose Potential and Destiny

Help discovering God’s purpose for our lives… Locate untapped potential within and use that potential to live out our Divine Destiny.

Kingdom Progression

Kingdom Progression

In this teaching video, you’ll see the progression that every believer takes as they enter into the Kingdom. Orphan > Son > King > Father