Kingdom Power and Authority

Kingdom Power and Authority

Kingdom Power and Authority! This teaching will break down topics that help you to advance the Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.

Revelation of the Kingdom

Revelation of the Kingdom

The Revelation of the Kingdom of God! This teaching will break down the topic Jesus spoke most about in the Bible… The Kingdom.

Purpose Potential and Destiny

Purpose Potential and Destiny

Help discovering God’s purpose for our lives… Locate untapped potential within and use that potential to live out our Divine Destiny.

Kingdom Progression

Kingdom Progression

In this teaching video, you’ll see the progression that every believer takes as they enter into the Kingdom. Orphan > Son > King > Father

Kingdom Evangelism

Kingdom Evangelism

How do we not only experience the Kingdom but share this good news with other people? Check out this course by Justin Fahrenbruch!

The Believer’s Authority

The Believer’s Authority

The Believer’s Authority class dives into what it means for the believer to have authority in this world from Jesus the Messiah.

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