Miracle Story: Bus Delivery

The testimony
“Divine Connections”
How it all got started…
If you know the story of how we received our tent to start doing Tent Revivals… then you might have a clue on how the bus came about in the first place.
We started doing Tent Revivals smack dab in the middle of the COVID pandemic. Many people thought we were crazy, but we were just following what the Spirit of God told us to do, and kept busy doing what we were supposed to do! We traveled throughout the State and hosted 5 Tent Revivals in various cities…
The Connections
One of the places the LORD took us for one of the Tent Revivals was in the Upper Peninsula, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. While witnessing to people on the street about Jesus, we met Pastor Scout Hester. He asked, “What are you doing up here all the way up here and you’re from Saginaw?” We told him we were just sharing the love of Christ and planting seeds in their community. Scout, being a former traveling Evangelist, knew it was an instant Kingdom Connection. He said “Man, I like you!” The rest is history – Pastor Scout is still mentoring me to this day.

The next part of the story is where it gets pretty wild…
A friend calls me and says “Justin, The LORD just spoke to me and told me there’s a Pastor in Snover, Michigan who has a bus out front in his church and that’s your bus!” I thought it was pretty strange statement, but after prayer, I figured I would at least call the guy and talk to him.
I called the Pastor, Mike Smith, and shared my heart with him. I shared my testimony and talked about the Tent Revivals. I explained that we’ve been to 5 different cities hosting these Revivals and as I went over each city… he stopped me after I said “Sault Ste. Marie”. He says “Did you work with any churches in The Soo when you did your tent revival?” I said yes, actually I ran into one Pastor up there, His name was Pastor Scout Hester. A very long awkward pause… I said “Hello?” He says “Ya, Ya, I heard you… so you know Pastor Scout then?” I said “Yes! I love Pastor Scout, when I met him, we hit it off and knew right away that it was a Kingdom connection.” Pastor Mike says “This has got to be God” I said what do you mean? He says Scout Hester is my best friend. He’s on the board of my church! I’ve known him since I was a young!”
I never mentioned a word about the bus. We were so excited that we knew the Lord was calling us together for something, he thought I was asking him to do a Tent Revival with his church! We ended up hanging up the phone and I just started ballin’ like a baby… I knew God was in this and He was up to something. I just started crying tears of joy and told Candace what happened and our jaws dropped. I called Pastor Scout on the phone and explained everything to him and he was like “WOW!! Sounds like the Kingdom to me!” I just sat in awe for a few days…
Matthew 6:33
“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.”
It was a week later…
Pastor Mike was holding an “Ignite The Thumb Praise Rally” at his church – Lifesong, in “The Thumb” region of Michigan. I heard from the Lord that I needed to be there. So the family and I went, sat in the back and was taking part in their worship service. All of a sudden, a leader of the Rally stands up and asks if anyone needs healing in their body. A lady in front of me raises her hands, so I went to pray for her. Instantly all the pain leaves her body! Praise God! Afterwards she hands me a note and says “I need you to give this note to Pastor Mike”. I said “Me? Really? Why me?” Her response, “YOU NEED TO GIVE THIS TO PASTOR MIKE!” I said “OK!” took the note and sat down…
As I’m sitting down, I’m just in a daze… Candace says “What’s going on? What’s that in your hand?” I told her what happened and said “I think the Lord just opened the door for us to approach Pastor Mike.”
After the service, I go find Pastor Mike and start to talk with him. I start out by introducing myself and he looks at me with the “I’m really not sure who you are” look. I mention that I’m the guy who does the Tent Revivals and mentioned Scout and he immediately says “Ooooohhh!! JUSTIN!!” We give each other a hug and I hand him the note the lady gave me. Afterward, I mentioned about the bus and immediately, he says, “It’s yours! You can have it!” I said “Really?” He says “Yes, you can have it for free!”
He then explains that he tried to donate the bus to the local Rescue Mission, but for two weeks, they were avoiding his phone calls and wouldn’t return any voicemails and he just couldn’t figure out why they weren’t calling him back. Then after I asked him about the bus, he instantly knew why. God was moving things together to fulfill his plans and purpose!
Proverbs 13:9
“A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.”
A few days later…
We visited LifeSong Church. Pastor Mike gets in front of his congregation and asks our family to stand up. He then prophesies over our life “This family is going to be traveling missionaries. We are going to be donating the bus out front to the Fahrenbruch Family for the cause of advancing the Kingdom on earth!” After service, he signed over all the paperwork, signed over the title, gave us the keys and we started to drive the bus back to Saginaw…

You see, God showed Candace and I way back in January 2019 that we would be traveling and preaching the Gospel. Many people thought (and still think) we were crazy, but we continue to hold on to that vision that He gave us. We had no idea how or what would happen, we just knew what God told us.
We just wanted to share a little peak into our lives and how real He is to us. As we continue to share stories and testimonies, our prayer is that they will encourage you, strengthen you and build your faith in Jesus and follow His plan for your life.
Thank you for following us on our journey of faith.
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About The Author
Justin was a drug addict for 14 years of his life. In 2018 he was radically and miraculously set free when a chain of events lead to an encounter with Jesus Christ in the middle of a parking lot. Since the encounter with Jesus, he has seen the dynamic power of The Holy Spirit move mightily through his life and many others around him.
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“I absolutely love Justin and Candace. Their ministry has been a complete blessing to our ministry. They are very focused on bringing the Kingdom of God to anyone they come in contact with. They also pray and actively work towards connecting the Body of Christ. Kingdom Fire Ministries is a place where deliverance takes place and people receive salvation and grow in their relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. I could go on and on, but words can’t explain the fire they have for the things of God. You would have to experience it!”

Tywanda Smith
“I first met Justin through his daughters attending our day school. Justin has a powerful testimony of God's transformative grace and a heart for the Church. He loves his family, and together they passionately proclaim the Gospel anywhere God opens doors. If you're looking for an enthusiastic, Christ-centered message, I encourage you to prayerfully consider inviting Justin and his family to share.”

Alex Holcomb
“Justin and his family are mission minded and dedicated to furthering the Kingdom of God and have a passion to ignite that same fire on the inside of others, it’s rare in today’s world to see a man dedicated to doing the will of our Father by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ so boldly and unapologetically, and it’s not only him, but his whole family are putting their boots to the ground! Salute Kingdom fire ministries!”

Evangelist Bobby Bendito
“Kingdom Fire Revivals is literally doing what Jesus did to fulfill the great commission as mentioned in Mk 16. I’ve have been to several of his revivals and seen countless people touched by the Holy Spirit through Justin’s ministry. I am not aware of a man more sincerely sold out to fulfilling his call in Christ that Justin. If you ever have the opportunity please attend. You won’t be disappointed."

Erik Miller
“I have been blessed to know Justin and Candace through ministry for a few years. They have a love of God and His Word that is rare to see. They flow in the anointing, and it is regular to see the power and love of God manifest through them in the form of Miracles, Signs, and Wonders. I love seeing what God is doing through them and KFM!”

Jodi Reed
Kingdom Fire is awesome! Justin is super laid back and friendly to work with. They came to our church and lead us through an evangelism breakdown and then sent us into the streets. Because of his work our city was touched and we saw many miracles.”

Josiah Page
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About The Author

Justin was a drug addict for 14 years of his life. In 2018 he was miraculously delivered from the addiction when a chain of events led to the surrender of His life to Christ in the middle of a Bell Tire parking lot. After the radical encounter, He asked God to show him the truth. True to Scripture, Holy Spirit led him to the Gospel of the Kingdom – A message of love, power, and hope… The good news of how to live a victorious life while reigning here on earth.
Justin is recognized by the International Apostolic Council as an Ordained Minister of the Gospel. He has completed and attained his degree through John G Lake Ministries, Dominion Bible Institute.
Justin is currently serving the body of Christ as an Apostolic Evangelist, partnering with many churches and ministries to infiltrate their communities with the love of Christ. He travels the United States sharing his story, preaching, and demonstrating the Gospel of the Kingdom while equipping the Saints for the work of the ministry.